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Latest Artist Pairings Project takes Glossop on a Creative Journey…

November 11, 2023

Glossop Creates is thrilled to announce that it has commissioned artist Evie O’Connor for the 2023 Pairings Project series, in which local creatives are paired with themes and initiatives that help to celebrate Glossop’s heritage and culture.  For this project, Evie has been paired with Glossop Train Station.

Evie is Glossop born and bred and has exhibited her paintings, ceramics, sculptures and installations internationally, from Shanghai to LA via Manchester and being stationed - pardon the pun-  in London until recently.

Evie’s work examines class, status and social mobility in the context of our rapidly changing society, at a time when the ideas and rules that we once took for granted are shifting at an unprecedented pace. Her work often depicts loneliness or liminal and empty spaces as a metaphor for the isolating effect of living within these social systems and hierarchies, that we are simultaneously trying to understand, whilst dealing with their impending collapse.

Evie O'Connor credit: Jamie Hawkesworth

Over the next few weeks, Evie will embark on a creative journey, delving into Glossop's history for inspiration, whilst thinking about the importance of train travel, what it means to be a commuter and the role of the station and public transport in shaping our community's sustainable future. Evie will work closely with local archives, historians and Glossop Heritage Trust to unearth the rich stories of our station and the people who have passed through its doors, platforms and trains.

Steven Dexter for Glossop Creates said: “Through this residency, we aim to explore the station as a unique venue, encourage contemplative train travel and think about the untapped potential of waiting rooms and the spaces that we reside in, getting from A to B. Public transport is a crucial aspect of our sustainable future and we want to consider how we can encourage more people to use our station and its services.

“Evie will breathe life into these narratives through her residency, highlighting the significance of our station and the importance and rituals associated with the daily journeys we all embark upon. Thanks to the support of Community Rail Partnerships, through the Friends of Glossop Station, we're able to make this creative exploration possible!”

Keep an eye on Glossop Creates’ social platforms for updates on Evie’s project, opportunities to get involved in workshops and keep an eye out for her at the station.  

Next stop, Glossop!